"I can clearly distinguish my entrepreneurial journey into two distinct periods: Before and After I started working with Connie."

Before I met Connie, there were instances where the weight of my anxiety, stress, and the pressure I was under felt utterly suffocating. Worst of all, I would get sucked into these spirals of panic repeatedly because I didn’t know how to break the mental cycles I fell into when things at my startup didn’t go as expected. At times, I felt completely isolated in the unique circumstances I was facing, and would feel mentally stuck and burnt out.

Along came my godsend, Connie. Connie has fundamentally changed the way I think for the better. She’s asked deep questions that have expanded my awareness of my own flaws and superpowers, and has helped me set goals for breaking counterproductive mental models that have long been rooted in my brain. This has ultimately led me to become a more productive, confident, and proactive leader. Since becoming her client, every major win I’ve achieved as a founder could not have been possible without the fundamental, inner progress I’ve made through my sessions with Connie.

Mary Zhu, Founder at Develop for Good

"Connie uncovered dreams I didn't know I had."

I came to Connie afraid to face what I wanted in my career, and she got me to see the best version of myself and believe I could make that version real. I uncovered dreams I didn't know I had. Connie brought structure to my chaos and confidence to my uncertainties. I'm so grateful.

Jess Blackshaw, Executive Director at YCore

"I wouldn't be the leader I am today without Connie."

Connie has a way of finding the relevant and actionable insights from the plethora of thoughts I share with her. Her wealth of knowledge as a successful founder has led to valuable resources and insights I have been able to share and leverage with my team to advance our goals.

Taiwo Togun, Co-Founder at InclusionBridge

"Without a doubt, the best investment in myself I could make."

Connie helped bring much-needed clarity, process, and confidence into my life. She is an incredible listener and made me feel so understood throughout our time working together, which made it easy to be completely honest and vulnerable with my thoughts—a true gift that allowed me to reveal things to myself that I had not previously considered. I can say, without a doubt, that working with Connie was the best investment in myself I could have made as I prepared for a big shift in my professional life.

Kruti Mehta, Director of Policy at Zeta Charter Schools

"As a woman of color in leadership, Connie made me feel seen."

I originally started working with Connie to launch a social venture. Connie's guidance started by helping me take concrete steps, but soon we were uncovering long-held limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Connie ultimately guided me through an extremely challenging transition from my demanding, full-time role. As a woman of color in leadership, I found Connie's advice and guiding questions deeply resonant. She also reached out to check in with me outside our meeting times and helped me feel less alone during a very difficult time. I am truly grateful for Connie's coaching and look forward to working with her again!

Ting-Sheng Vivian Liao, Chief Program Officer at Girls' Leadership

Working together

My clients are incredible people -- successful founders, school network directors, corporate leaders by day and poets by night.

We might work well together too if...

You're a leader scaling a team or dream.

You're a doer charting a new path for your life and career.

You're an entrepreneur who will do anything for your mission.

Schedule a first call, I'd love to meet you.

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